(312) 346-5156


Relationship counseling, to rebuild trust, connect more deeply.

There is truth to the phrase that relationships can be confusing. Relationships can bring us overwhelming joy, love and happiness. Connections are strongest when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable in relationships. But this vulnerability can also lead to feeling rejected and heartache. And this pain can cause us to push others away.

Trusting others typically means that we are willing to take chances with how they will perceive and react to our expressed emotions. If we show others we are sad, we hope that they will react to us with empathy, support and care. Unfortunately, even our closest relationships are not always able to give us the support in the way we need it. This may lead to shutting down or withdrawing from the relationship.

Recovering from this pain is hard but it is possible. Learning to feel vulnerable in relationships, adjusting expectations of others, and stopping harmful patterns can lead to richer and healthier relationships. Through relationship counseling (relationship therapy) our Chicago based licensed therapists can help you form these relationships.

Contact us

If you are in Illinois area and are ready to take the first step in building healthier relationships, contact us today at (312) 346-5156.

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Navigating Heartbreak: A Guide to Surviving a Breakup

Navigating Heartbreak: A Guide to Surviving a Breakup

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Managing Anxiety: Tools and Techniques for a Calmer Mind

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No matter your obstacles, you don’t have to face them alone. We offer comprehensive support so you can regain control and rebuild your life. To learn more about our services or to schedule a free 20-minute consultation, please call (312) 346-5156
We are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO (BCBS PPO) and Aetna PPO
Chicago, IL



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