Reach your goals.
There is no avoiding life’s stresses. We all feel overwhelmed at times. We all feel angry at times as well. It is healthy to feel an emotion. But too much of an emotion can hinder your performance at work or school. Your life feels out of control. You feel like you could break at any given moment. You have been trying to deal with these feelings on your own, and now stress is causing you to feel short-fused and irritable. You may also find that you are experiencing strong physical symptoms like headaches, sleeplessness, stomach pains, or weight changes.
It takes courage to reach out for support. You do not have to figure out your problems on your own. By working with an experienced psychotherapist in Chicago, we will help you work through negative and intrusive thoughts that cause you to feel alone, lost and overwhelmed. It’s our goal to help you feel better.
Benefits of individual Counseling:
- decrease stress
- become more comfortable making decisions
- control addictions
- improve work or school performance
- understand relationships
- reduce sadness, irritability or anger
- control impulsivity
- increase self-confidence
We can help you control your moods, find a better life balance, and improve your relationships.
Contact us
If you are in Illinois and are ready to take the first step in regaining balance in your life, contact us today at (312) 346-5156.
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