(312) 346-5156


Exploring Post-College Anxiety, Depression And Mental Health, July 11, 2017

For some, graduation from college marks the end of easy access to mental health services…Some graduates report “post-college depression” while others have different types of mental health crises in the months after graduation. Morning Shift talks to Chicago-based psychotherapist Justin Tobin about this transition period in a person’s life and how to tell whether you or someone you love needs help.

Listen to the full interview


Special Feature Edition, “Hire Power,” August 2008


Expert opinion on television reality show “Kid Nation”, May 2008


How to control your anxiety after losing your job, March 2009


David’ Story: A Young Boy Recovers from Acute Trauma


Personality Tests used in the Job Hiring Process, February 2010

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Navigating Heartbreak: A Guide to Surviving a Breakup

Navigating Heartbreak: A Guide to Surviving a Breakup

Ever wondered how to navigate life after a breakup? Breaking up is never easy. It can leave us feeling lost amidst a torrent of emotions, unsure of the next steps to take. Whether you're going through a recent breakup or still healing from past heartaches, navigating...

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Managing Anxiety: Tools and Techniques for a Calmer Mind

Managing Anxiety: Tools and Techniques for a Calmer Mind

Feeling overwhelmed and anxious? You’re hardly alone. But there’s good news! Anxiety doesn’t have to be all-consuming or have control over your life. Read for the best ways to reclaim your serenity and find some inner peace. Embracing anxiety: turning an adversary...

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Healing While Grieving: What to Expect and How to Cope

Healing While Grieving: What to Expect and How to Cope

Are you grieving? That tells me you have loved. Grieving shows us that love has been a part of our lives. You may be feeling lost and wondering “what now?” or “where do I go from here?” These questions are normal to have and wrestle with after the loss of a loved one....

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No matter your obstacles, you don’t have to face them alone. We offer comprehensive support so you can regain control and rebuild your life. To learn more about our services or to schedule a free 20-minute consultation, please call (312) 346-5156
We are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO (BCBS PPO) and Aetna PPO
Chicago, IL



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