(312) 346-5156


Adolescent Counseling

Life is challenging for teens and adolescents. Academic demands, sports, relationships coupled with social pressures can become overwhelming. Not dealing effectively with these pressures can lead to anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Some turn to coping with these mental health symptoms through withdrawing, substance use and, at times, self harming behaviors. It is obvious that these coping mechanisms will not address the underlying healing that is needed. But what is overlooked is that the awareness of these behaviors can be a powerful step in making a healthy life change.

Now more than ever, young adults need support. But some are too ashamed, embarrassed or may feel guilty to ask for help. Instead, too many adolescents turn to social media for help, which has been shown to be a factor in increasing anxiety and depression, feelings of insecurity and ultimately avoiding and withdrawing from significant relationships. School absences may increase and grades may suffer. And a loss of interest in sports, hobbies or other activities begins to emerge. Not feeling like oneself or feeling lost is felt day after day.

At Tobin Counseling Group in Chicago, we help teens, adolescents and young adults develop a new internal dialogue to feel empowered to find and discover their inner strength and confidence in being themselves.’ It is our goal to help adolescents learn the most effective ways to cope with anxiety, depression, life adjustments, bullying and low self esteem. Read here about the therapists at TCG who are available to help.

Here are some issues that we help with:

Contact us

If you are in Illinois and are ready to take the first step in regaining balance in your life, contact us today at (312) 346-5156.

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No matter your obstacles, you don’t have to face them alone. We offer comprehensive support so you can regain control and rebuild your life. To learn more about our services or to schedule a free 20-minute consultation, please call (312) 346-5156
We are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO (BCBS PPO) and Aetna PPO
Chicago, IL



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