(312) 346-5156


Feel more confident

It is not uncommon to compare ourselves to others. At work, you may compare yourself to the productivity or success of your colleagues. In friendships, you may compare yourself to other friends in your circle. In romantic relationships, you may compare yourself to your partner’s previous relationships. To help combat this low self-esteem, you may seek validation. Once again, this is not abnormal. But too much seeking validation may indicate low self-esteem. Low self-esteem will cause you to think negatively about who you are – it can impact how you live your life, function at work, perform academically, and behave in relationships. Depressive and anxiety symptoms typically feed into this doubt. Overcoming low self-esteem takes time and effort, but our Chicago based licensed therapists can help you control your insecurities and have a long lasting positive self-image.

How Therapy Helps Low Self-Esteem

  • Be more accepting of your strengths and more compassionate towards yourself for your limitations.
  • Learn how to accept compliments from others and use this as a tool for healing.
  • Do not over utilize the need for validation from others.

Contact us 

If you are in Illinois and are ready to take the first step in regaining balance in your life, contact us today at (312) 346-5156.

  • schedule a free 20-minute consultation
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.





No matter your obstacles, you don’t have to face them alone. We offer comprehensive support so you can regain control and rebuild your life. To learn more about our services or to schedule a free 20-minute consultation, please call (312) 346-5156
We are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO (BCBS PPO) and Aetna PPO
Chicago, IL


[email protected]

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